Saturday, June 1, 2024

kayaking theme - drypoint


drypoint with additional hand colouring
9 x 9.5 cm
edition size of 20

Above is pictured a new work which again explores a activity that is near and dear to me, that being kayaking and also canoeing.

It is a study of the relationship between the paddler and their surroundings and the view you might experience from out on the water.

I used a square piece of thin acrylic plate (it is used for covering art in frames instead of heavier glass) and the thickness is about half of what standard plexiglass (perspex for you followers of my blog from outside N. America). I cut the plate myself using a special cutting knife used to score and snap plastic. I then very carefully filed the edges to a 45 degree bevel (using a moderately toothy file) and then ran a piece of extra fine emery nail file to remove any striations in the bevel left by the metal file.

The surface markings on the plate were a combination of direct line drawing and textural dot detailing created using stiple of the etching needle tip (most apparent in the foreground). 

I wiped the plate using Cranfield safewash carbon black relief printing ink. The work was printed onto a piece of 250 gm Arches white rag using an etching press with felt blankets and manually advancing the press bed with the plate and paper under the pressure of the set top roller.

print on paper just off press bed post-printing

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